From NeuroRehab.wiki


1. Medical issues.

2. Functional deficits: hemiparesis/hemiplegia, hemisensory loss, neglect, visuo-spatial deficits, dysphagia, cognitive deficits, speech deficits.

3. Social issues: poor social support. Refer to the social worker to organize support in the form of community organizations or family members as caregivers.

4. Environmental issues: difficulty in accessing healthcare facilities, outpatient rehabilitation and therapy. Difficult environments in the rural areas for the patient to navigate. Refer to the social worker to organize services and OT for home visit and to suggest environmental/home modifications.

5. Financial issues: patient may be the primary breadwinner; hence loss of vocation can lead to financial barrier to discharge. Social worker referral to organize community/Aboriginal liaisons support.


Cifu, D.X. (2020). Braddom’s physical medicine and rehabilitation. Elsevier. Get it on Amazon.
Cuccurullo, S. (2019). Physical medicine and rehabilitation board review. New York: Demosmedical. Get it on Amazon.
O’Young, B., Young, M.A. and Stiens, S.A. (2008). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Secrets. Mosby. Get it on Amazon.