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1. Shows the percent O2 saturation (SaO2) of haemoglobin for a certain PaO2.

2. Oxygen saturation of Hb depends on: temperature, pH, 2,3-DPG (based on phosphorus).

3. When the curve is shifted to the right, it reflects a decrease in Hgb affinity for O2 (i.e. higher PaO2 required to maintain the same SaO2). Left: increased Hgb affinity for O2 (i.e. lower PaO2 required to maintain the same SaO2).

4. Mnemonic: Temperature, Acidosis, Phosphorus (TAP) shifts the graph to the right.

5. CO poisoning & methemoglobinemia (Fe in the Hgb molecule is oxidized from the ferrous [Fe2+] to the ferric [Fe3+] form resulting in the inability to hold onto O2 or CO2) shifts the curve to the left.

Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve.png
Image: Ratznium at English WikipediaLater versions were uploaded by Aaronsharpe at en.wikipedia., [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons [Accessed 14 Aug. 2022].


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