From NeuroRehab.wiki


1. Defn: pronation of the subtalar & supination of the midtarasal joints.

2. Pronation of the foot can be defined as a rotation of the foot in the longitudinal axis resulting in a lowering of the medial aspect of the foot.

3. Causes: excessive internal torsion of the tibia, malalignment of the calcaneus, ligamentous laxity.

4. Symptomatic relief of pain is obtained by controlling excess pronation of the foot.

5. The key to controlling excess pronation is controlling the calcaneus to keep the subtalar joint in a neutral position, acomplished by elevation of the anteromedial calcaneus.

6. Mgm: insole with medial arch support, medial heel wedge if more correction is required, forefoot wedge if fixed forefoot invertus.

7. Mgm for ligamentous laxity: medial longitudinal arch support, custom-made foot orthosis designed to prevent hyperpronation (UCBL orthosis, University of California Biomechanics Laboratory).


Cifu, D.X. (2020). Braddom’s physical medicine and rehabilitation. Elsevier. Get it on Amazon.
Cuccurullo, S. (2019). Physical medicine and rehabilitation board review. New York: Demosmedical. Get it on Amazon.
O’Young, B., Young, M.A. and Stiens, S.A. (2008). Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Secrets. Mosby. Get it on Amazon.