1. Hydrophilic phospholipid outer layer + embedded apolipoproteins (apo B48, CII, E).
2. Contain triglycerides + cholesterol.
3. Enter circulation via intestinal lymph ducts.
4. Bind peripheral muscles and fat.
5. Apo CII (on chylomicron) stimulates LPL (on muscles and fat) ⟹ suck out triglycerides (by breaking them down to FFA).
6. Remnant chylomicron binds liver via apo E ⟹ suck out cholesterol.
Wilkinson, I., Furmedge, D. and Sinharay, R. (2017). Oxford handbook of clinical medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Get it on Amazon.
Feather, A., Randall, D. and Waterhouse, M. (2020). Kumar And Clark’s Clinical Medicine. 10th ed. S.L.: Elsevier Health Sciences. Get it on Amazon.
Hannaman, R. A., Bullock, L., Hatchell, C. A., & Yoffe, M. (2016). Internal medicine review core curriculum, 2017-2018. CO Springs, CO: MedStudy.
Therapeutic Guidelines. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited. [Accessed 2021].