

1. Intro: innervate the brainstem nuclei, hence cortico-nuclear

2. Function: for voluntary movement of the face

3. Origin: from layer V (ganglionic layer) of Ms1 area (pre-central gyrus)

4. Internal capsule: fibers pass through the genu

5. Supply: some synapse onto the occulomotor & trochlear nuclei, others collect in the medial part of the central crus of the midbrain peduncle from which they reach the rest of the brainstem

6. Miscellaneous: CN nuclei which innervate skeletal muscles do so bilaterally, except for the lower part of the face (which is innervated by contralateral UMN nucleus)


R.M.H McMinn (1998). Last’s anatomy: regional and applied. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Get it on Amazon.
Drake, Richard L., et al. Gray's Anatomy for Students. Elsevier, 2023. Get it on Amazon.