

1. These drugs decrease cardiac output, sympathetic tone, and renin production.

2. JNC 8 panel does not recommend beta-blockers for the initial treatment of HTN due to increased risk of cardiovascular death, AMI, or stroke compared to use of ARB.

3. Indications for beta-blockers: post-MI, stable heart failure, rate control for AF, angina.

4. Avoid beta-blockers in: reactive airway disease, frequent hypoglycemic episodes, hyperlipidemia, PVD.

5. Other complications include fatigue, erectile dysfunction, depression, and weight gain.


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Feather, A., Randall, D. and Waterhouse, M. (2020). Kumar And Clark’s Clinical Medicine. 10th ed. S.L.: Elsevier Health Sciences. Get it on Amazon.
Hannaman, R. A., Bullock, L., Hatchell, C. A., & Yoffe, M. (2016). Internal medicine review core curriculum, 2017-2018. CO Springs, CO: MedStudy.
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